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*Points of emphasis

*Experience Section - Applicants who ARE existing CPF Funded Teams will have the Experience section automatically calculated using an Implementation Index from the Team's first performance year for Cohort 1.   Applicants who are NOT existing CPF funded Teams will fill out the experience section describing the Applicant's strength of experience in community pharmacy practice transformation efforts. 

*The Number of Pharmacies Per FTE  - The Program wants to see a low number of Pharmacies Per FTE.  Much like with classroom size per teacher, more personnel time that is able to be devoted to each pharmacy should increase the likelihood of the pharmacy completing the program.   Make sure to list ALL personnel and ALL of their respective FTE contributions in the Proposed Team section of the application.   List all in-kind contributions of personnel in this section to lower the Pharmacies Per FTE, thereby increasing the score in this section (Proposed Team). 

*Cost Per Pharmacy - The Program wants to achieve the greatest impact it can, in as many pharmacies as it can, with limited funding available.   The Budget section is worth 25 points for that reason.  This section will employ an entirely objective scoring method based exclusively on the two year Cost Per Pharmacy.  the table below illustrates the score for each range of Cost Per Pharmacy, assigning a score between 0 and 25 based on the automatically calculated Cost Per Pharmacy.   Along with efficiently budgeting funded personnel, in-kind contributions of personnel, materials or other in-kind contributions should reduce the Cost Per Pharmacy, producing a higher score.   The applicant should only enter personnel and other costs in the Budget Section that it wishes to be funded through this application. 

*Payer Partners -   The overarching goal of the Program is help community-based pharmacies modernize their care processes and business model and express new types of clinical value to Payers, Purchasers and other Partners.  The Payer Partner section is worth 15 points for that reason, but also because it increases the likelihood the pharmacy will "graduate" from the two year transformation process.  **Payer Engagements having Hypertension or Diabetes as part of their focus will be given greater consideration in the scoring process since the Program milestones and measures include mmHG and HbA1c reductions and reporting through electronic care plan submissions**

*Team Sponsors and Partners - The Program believes that applicants who partner secure monetary support or in-kind partnership with other entities will be more likely to be successful and allow the Program to scale larger than it would otherwise without sponsors or partners.   This section offers the applicant an opportunity list monetary funding and in-kind contributions from other entities partnering with their proposed Practice Transformation Team (PTT.)   This could come in the form of Sponsorship for financial cash pledges. It could also come from Partners committing to in-kind support, such as: contributed shared or partial personnel time, materials, meeting space, marketing and outreach, payer engagement assistance, or other types of support.   In the Round 4 scoring criteria, Team Sponsors (monetary) carries a higher weight in overall scoring compared to Team Partners (in-kind).  Both types of support are favorable for increasing the applicant score in other sections Partnering on the contribution of personnel, in particular, allows the applicant to score higher in other sections (including Proposed Team by increasing FTE, Budget by reducing costs, as well as Plan for Execution and Organizational Experience, depending on the type of support).