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Eligibility & Requirements:

All organizations of all types are eligible to apply to be awarded Practice Transformation Team funding.

Applications will be scored on a 100 point scale.

Applications will be blinded to the reviewers.  (Geographic Region and Urban/Rural are viewed, but not scored)

Applicants must have at least one signed CPESN Network Collaboration Agreement with at least one CPESN Network.

Awardees will work exclusively with CPESN Participating Network Pharmacies when utilizing award funding.

Awardees must agree to follow coordination center direction on program implementation.

Awardees must agree to utilize practice transformation materials provided (change package).

Award is valid for one year, subject to a one-year renewal to complete transformation efforts for enrolled CPESN Participating Network Pharmacies.

Awardee must agree to be funded in proportion to percentage of participant pharmacies that continue to achieve program milestones upon quarterly check points.

Consideration may be given to having an awardee group of PTTs that collectively represent diverse geography and urban/rural mix of participants.

Awardees are not eligible for indirects fees - if the applicant needs a letter attesting as much - use the following link https://static.wixstatic.com/ugd/49b1ff_7a86826c96ac470db92aa09dd8d25587.pdf