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Do you have to be a CPESN Network to apply to be a Pharmacy Transformation Team (PTT)?

A: No, but you need to have a singed CPESN Network Collaboration Agreement to apply.

Can a CPESN Network apply to be a Pharmacy Transformation Team (PTT)?

A: Yes.  

Can a Pharmacy Transformation Team (PTT) applicant work with more than one CPESN Network?

A: Yes.

Can a CPESN Network apply to be a Pharmacy Transformation Team (PTT) and support more than one CPESN Network?

A: Yes.

Are funded Pharmacy Transformation Team (PTT) applicants required to work with one or more CPESN Networks?

                A: Yes

Are funded Pharmacy Transformation Team (PTT) applicants required to work with CPESN Participating Pharmacies?

                A: Yes

Can an unfunded Pharmacy Transformation Team (PTT) participate in the Program?

                A: Yes!  You will be able to apply be an unfunded PTT on the application website by simply filling out the application and entering zeros in the budget (which will result in a score of 25 for that section)

Who will likely be the most common type of entity to be awarded funding for a Practice Transformation Team (PTT) - A CPESN Network or Other?

A:  Unknown. The Program is designed with a goal of getting as many pharmacies as possible to complete the 24 month transformation process with available funds.  Whomever can do that will score highly and receive the funding.

Can a CPESN Network work with more than one Practice Transformation Team (PTT)?

A: There is no limit on the number of PTT applications a CPESN Network may be included in.