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Does each application need to have an urban/rural mix?

A: No.  It can be all urban or all rural.  The Program desires to make sure there is distribution of geography and urban/rural mix.  Each individual applicant’s score is not dependent on urban/rural mix or geography.  However, after scoring, if a geography is missing, or the urban/rural mix is out of balance, the reviewers may elect to award an applicant having a lower score to ensure the Program meets an urban/rural mix and geography diversity.

Will the variety of types of partners or payors be considered?

A: The application site will state very specifically how the reviewers will grade each portion of the application.  Types of partners or payers may be considered, especially in light of the Program goals, which include reducing blood pressure, A1C and emphasis on care planning.  

“Blinding” may be difficult because some network identification is likely identifiable by the application descriptions. This is also likely part of the strengths of an application. Would a potential conflict of interest with reviewers be addressed ahead of time so that minimal conflict of interest rather than “Blind”?

A: The three chosen reviewers do not have a relationship with CPESN USA or the local CPESN Networks.  If, for any given reviewer, that changes in the future, they would recuse themselves. Reviewers should be reviewing the applications with an unbiased view.  

With regard to the applications being unblinded as much as possible – they should be if the applicant follows the instructions provided with the application and on the submission site. 

What should be emphasized in the application is the “What will you be doing”, “What are you doing with the School of Pharmacy”, “What is the experience... etc.”  The Name of the school should not be considered, nor matter.  Payor names should not be submitted, nor matter.

E.g. If an applicant should say, ”We are working with a hospital”… but make no mention of the hospital name.   The size, programs or other features of the hospital may be important, but not the name.